
The Maple League is committed to outstanding teaching, exceptional hands-on research experiences, and creating unique opportunities that enhance learning and teaching for members of our diverse communities.
The Maple League universities are uniquely positioned to become leaders in undergraduate teaching and experiential learning in Canada and internationally.
Connecting people from different disciplines and backgrounds — to create new communities and strengthen existing ones — is one of the foundational strengths of the Maple League.
The Maple League Teaching and Learning Committee
The Maple League Teaching and Learning Committee (MLTLC) is dedicated to building a network of teaching champions that will enhance learning and teaching for many members of our diverse communities. This network includes emerging leaders and novice practitioners as well as experienced teachers and leaders in each department and program to build networks of grassroots support and engagement.
MLTLC Institutional Champions:
Mount Allison: Dr. Shoshana Bryn Jones Square, Dr. Emily Keenlyside, Dr. Andrea Morash, Toni Roberts and Dr. Carla VanBeselaere
Bishop's: Katie Bibbs, Dr. Eva Bures, Dr. Heather McKeen-Edwards, Dr. Heather Lawford and Dr. Emily Sanders
St. Francis Xavier: Dr. Erin Austen, Dr. Matea Drljepan, Dr. Angie Kolen, Shafik Nanji and Dr. Allison Tucker
Acadia: Dr. Michelle Boyd, Dr. Lauren Finniss, Danielle Pierce and Dr. Mary Sweatman

The Virtual Maple League Teaching and Learning Centre
The Virtual Maple League Teaching and Learning Centre (V_MLTLC) has been in development since 2018; however, the global pandemic has exposed the urgency of this centre and its long-term utility post-pandemic. The V_MLTLC is a virtual space to support faculty and staff prepare for the design and delivery of courses in Fall 2020 and beyond. One service the V_MLTLC provides is a virtual hub of curated and specially created resources tailored to the needs of our faculty and the institutional model shared by the four Maple League universities. The V_MLTLC will provide pedagogical triage for faculty with varying needs/challenges/interests (and provide as much choice for faculty with open office hours for faculty, peer mentors, disciplinary and thematic working groups, etc.). The V_MLTLC will also curate and create professional development opportunities (e.g. workshops, modules, brown bags, templates, quick tips, videos, etc.). While the needs of faculty will vary depending on disciplinary contexts and programmatic requirements, the key differentiators of Maple League universities – e.g. face-to-face interactions, mentorship, and a holistic approach to a 21st-century liberal education – will remain at the core of support for faculty as they plan design and delivery for Fall 2020 and beyond.

This year has taught us that we are inextricably connected to each other. Staying in, showing up, speaking out — we have seen, in every aspect of our lives, that our collective impact is greater than what we could ever achieve by ourselves. This daring experiment in higher education — an inter-institutional, virtual, teaching and learning centre – was no exception. Beginning with our June programming and extending throughout the entire year, students, staff, faculty across the Maple League and beyond joined together to do better, and be better, together. We formed new communities, forged new relationships, and created a collective impact on our institutions, the national higher education landscape, and most importantly, the students we serve.
Our world changed, and so did the teaching and learning experience.
Please click here to read the V_MLTLC’s Annual Reports.
If you're interested in joining the Maple League Micro-Certificate in Teaching and Learning, please click here.
I hope you’ll enjoy learning about all we’ve accomplished, together.
Resources for faculty and staff
In line with this commitment, we are working to create online tools and resources for professional development to share with our colleagues at the four institutions on an ongoing basis.
Available reports:
High Impact Practices Report – June 2021
A Guide to Intellectual Property for Members of the ML & IQUE
Available videos: