
The Maple League supports outstanding teaching, exceptional hands-on research experiences, and unique opportunities to contribute to communities at home and abroad.
Communities of Practice
Since their inception, our 16 Maple League communities of practice have strengthened relationships; in many cases, they have identified answers to the guiding questions of the consortium, which are “what can we do together that we cannot do on our own” and “how does working together help improve what we are doing on our individual campuses.” Several collaborative tables have been engaged in strategic visioning where they’ve identified interventions that would help them achieve the objectives of the individual institutions. You will see evidence of many of these projects, proposals, and conversations in our reports.
Led by Dr. Michael Sheppard and Brendan MacNeil of Acadia University, The Path provides students with the tools for launching pitch-ready startups with global potential. social purpose incubator. This social innovation incubator is university-based, undergraduate-focused and student-led, and based in regions embedded in local communities and small towns. The aim of this program is to mentor, embrace, and develop business and social enterprises that take a triple bottom line approach–with equal focus on financial, environmental, and social sustainability (planet, profit, and people).
Nation to Nation: Building Indigenous Knowledge Across International Borders
Students from the Maple League universities will come together to have a short-term study abroad experience in Belize through Galen University in the spring 2023 term focusing on sharing their Indigenous experience and learning about other indigenous cultures abroad.
Atlantic Digital Humanities Listserv
The Atlantic-DH listserv is a welcoming community where news, announcements, and questions about goings-on related to digital humanities in Atlantic Canada are shared. This listserv is hosted by Dr. Laura Estill, Canada Research Chair in Digital Humanities and Director of the St. Francis Xavier University Digital Humanities Centre.
What are digital humanities? There have been entire books written about this question—and you can keep refreshing the website whatisdigitalhumanities.com to see a range of definitions. In brief, digital humanities are the application of digital tools and resources to research and teach the humanities and related disciplines.
This listserv is open to interested faculty, staff, students, and community members. Dr. Estill cordially invites Maple League teachers, researchers, and students to join this listserv.
To sign up, follow the directions here. Questions? Contact digitalhumanities@stfx.ca.
Maple League Builds Strengths in Knowledge Mobilization (KMb)
The Maple League is officially the first consortium of universities to join Research Impact Canada, an organization that works to build institutional capacity for researchers and students to collaborate and connect with stakeholders who can use their research to add value to their work. This membership will give faculty and staff access to workshops, grant support in writing KMb plans, connect them with faculty across the country engaged in similar projects, and more.
Future planning also includes expanding the Knowledge Mobilization Graduate Certificate currently held at Bishop’s into a Maple League initiative, where faculty could benefit from a practicum student to support their own knowledge mobilization practice.